Treatment Services         

Over the years, people have come to me for services for many different reasons.  It may be that you are feeling depressed or anxious or that you are feeling a lot of stress in relation to your job.   Maybe your marriage is struggling and you feel resentment towards each other.   Perhaps your kids or teenagers are driving you crazy and you need to figure out something that works.  

People come to a psychologist because they would like to learn a different way of relating to their problems. It means that you are struggling and that you know if you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you are getting.  My job is to teach people how to relate to their problems differently so that a resolution is reached.  In part, therapy is about teaching clients how to relate to people and the world so that they can enjoy life. Ultimately,  we all just want to have fun and enjoy our lives.

Therapy does not have to be about "working through" issues or getting lost in your past.  Sometimes, it's better to learn how to "let things go" and be part of your past.  You can spend all of your  time talking about your problems and nothing changes.  It could be more fruitful to talk about how you would like your life to be and then therapy can be about how to get there.  However, there are some instances when talking about your past, learning how you developed into the person you are and expressing painful feelings can be necessary and helpful.

I am not the kind of therapist that sits back and lets you talk for most of the session only to give you a few minutes of feedback at the end.  I get in there and interact with you for most of the session.  I primarily practice within a cognitive-behavioral framework.  Basically, this means that your thoughts create your feeling and not the reverse.  I teach people how to think and then behave differently so that they will feel differently and have a different experience of the world.